Monday, October 4, 2010

Better Late Than Never

In response to Rebecca Solnit's book A Field Guide to Getting Lost I would like to share a few words on how I believe the concept of getting lost can help to develop new artistic avenues.

First and most importantly I would like to touch on the definition of what it means to get "lost". Most of us would define getting lost as the act of physically not having a sense of direction or not possessing the capability to get where we are going. This definition of getting lost is all fine and good but only vaguely applies to the artistic process, instead we must look at the concept of getting lost in a completely new way.

For me getting lost within my art represents a point in my process where I cease to be concerned about where I am going, but rather where I am now. Being lost is in essence the ultimate form of living in the moment. When one can admit to truly being lost they can agree to being fully present in the world around them which results in a unique and often times enlightened state. When one is lost they are able to come up with new concepts and ideas they may have never thought of. For that reason getting lost becomes invaluable in the adventure that is creating original work.

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