Monday, October 31, 2011

Sketchbook Pages

Some more sketches. Many of these are quick copies of famous paintings etc. done in class slide shows or from books I find in the Library. I have to admit that this may be my new favorite thing to do - that is - find art books in the library stacks and copy the images I like, I find that this may ultimately help me to understand value better and practice composition from the masters. Enjoy.

Depth of Field Photography

These four images (two pairs) were an experiment in depth of field. One image of each pair has a shallow depth of field meaning that its plane of focus is very narrow and can subsequently only bring sharpness to a certain point X feet away from you. This is created by opening up the aperture of the camera to the widest it can go, on my camera this is F3.8. The second image is the exact opposite, so it has a expansive depth of field meaning the camera (much like the eye most of the time) will focus itself to infinity and have everything in the frame sharp. On my camera the smallest the aperture will go to is F22, some cameras offer apertures that will go either smaller or larger but for the purposes of this assignment it was unnecessary and the point was still communicated. Again forgive my poor lack of explaining this all. Enjoy the pictures.

Another Quick Painting

Spent twenty minutes in the painting studio last week and banged out this imaginary landscape. I guess the idea was that its supposed to be some sort of desert landscape or something. Im not too happy with it really, I think something about the sky color and the lack of value really bothers me. Maybe I'll burn this some time in the future - that would be fun. . .

Copper Plate Etching

Finally created a second copper plate illustration ready for printing. The process is so much more involved than I thought it would be, lots of grinding, lots of polishing and lots of chemicals. Possibly at some point in the future I'll explain the exact process but for now I'm way to tired and have way too much other stuff to do. Anyways, for the time being please enjoy this last plate I've etched. The original image is a painting done by some impressionist artist I can't remember right now, I didn't trace the image and instead did a drawing of the painting and then did this etching from that drawing. Bleh, I can't formulate words very well right now. I've got a lot of shit on my mind, ohh boy.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Sketchbook Pages

A few more sketchbook pages to upload because I'm bored. Enjoy

More Oil Painting!

Two (very) quick paintings I did in the past week. One is an amateur plein air painting from my front yard and the second is a landscape I made up from imagination. 

Waking Up is Hard to Do

Turn my head and back to bed with no delay, cant be bothered by the phone ten times a day, why get up my morning doesn't start til' two, forget reality, waking up is hard to do. . .

Sunday, October 23, 2011

North West / Washington State Design

Found a drawing that I did a few months ago that resembled what you see below. Thought the idea was good so I revamped it a little and threw it into illustrator and photoshop. Hope you like it. Oh and maybe this will see a T-shirt some day, who knows.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

TV Sculpture

This is a piece I did last year for my intro sculpture class. I cant really remember the assignment, something to do with combining organic forms and machinery. Never got around to finishing the thing (paint) but I think it turned out pretty awesome never-the-less. Foam, wood glue and wire


I found an old National Geographic magazine in my garage today and figured I would rip it up and make some collages out of it. The issue was focused on the eruption of Mt. St. Helen's back in the 80's so I utilized the abstractions created by the various ash plumes, log flows and assorted images of destruction. Anywho, Enjoy.

A Few More Sketchbook Pages

Just some random sketched etc. from the past week or so. Enjoy

Monday, October 17, 2011

Quick Landscape Paintings

Bored in my painting class last week and decided I would do some quick landscapes from imagination. One was supposed to be a fall scene and the other was supposed the be the winter or maybe early fall version of the same place. I think they turned out pretty good. Oil on brown paper. Enjoy.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Negative Sheet

I was so excited about these photos (and have such limited paper) that I decided to scan them in and have some sort of documentation for this roll. Enjoy the photo negatives.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Subject of the Mind - Illustration

Scanned, traced in photoshop, thrown into illustrator and then thrown back into photoshop for some final tweaks.
