Monday, October 31, 2011

Depth of Field Photography

These four images (two pairs) were an experiment in depth of field. One image of each pair has a shallow depth of field meaning that its plane of focus is very narrow and can subsequently only bring sharpness to a certain point X feet away from you. This is created by opening up the aperture of the camera to the widest it can go, on my camera this is F3.8. The second image is the exact opposite, so it has a expansive depth of field meaning the camera (much like the eye most of the time) will focus itself to infinity and have everything in the frame sharp. On my camera the smallest the aperture will go to is F22, some cameras offer apertures that will go either smaller or larger but for the purposes of this assignment it was unnecessary and the point was still communicated. Again forgive my poor lack of explaining this all. Enjoy the pictures.

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