Monday, May 16, 2011

Leaking Tower

It's the middle of the scorching desert and you've crash landed your one ticket home into the north side of a pile of sand the size of Mt. Rainer. Don't worry too much though because beside you just happens to be the worlds most remote (and unnecessary) construction of wood and steel in the form of a water tower. Things have been going great, the tower provides shade and water in the unbearable heat of the morning, noon and night. A small spigot at the bottom of the tower easily twists to the right to reveal a seemingly endless flow of liquid gold. For whatever reason this tower was built it can surely be said that you are one lucky fuck. So, minus the food aspect, you've basically got it made.
Too bad a band of marauders equipped with AK-47's and knives duly unsuitable for cooking just stumbled on you an your towering oasis. Short of slicing your head of with a machete or pulling your toe nails off one by one with pliers the band of desert delinquents has left you alone. Sure they robbed you of every inch of semi-worthy material and shot holes in your spring, but hey, at least you aren't dead.
Before you, in the wake of the mugging, lies the key to your survival slowly spewing out its contents into the absorbent orange and red sand. 'Yikes' you think, maybe I should try and stop the water from leaking out. Maybe delusional from the stunning heat, possible vexed by the assault just sapped upon you or even conceivably because you haven't had so much as a lizard to eat in the past week you decide to simply watch the water drain out the holes and fall to the ground.
Gravity is a wonderful thing.

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