Monday, March 28, 2011

Independent Project: Research

The forest areas around western Washington are some of the most diverse and rich temperate forest on the planet but recently the growing demand for wood resources and land for housing has caused the forests that were once held sacred to be demolished and scarred. Washington State is experiencing a dramatic population explosion having grown over 21 percent between 1990 and 2000. With this boom it is expected that the population will double by the year 2025. With this growth in population comes the demand for more land. In the time between 1971 and 2001 our state has lost over 700,00 acres of timberland to development for housing and farming. The lowland forests of this state are some of the most abundant for softwood production and contribute annually to over 2% of the nations timber supply. With this decreasing in forested areas comes the depletion of air quality, loss of animal habitat and an increased potential for landslides and other natural disasters. The problem with land has been around for decades in the states but has only recently become a problem due to the high price for forest covered land. Long time owners now choose to sell their plots of land with the reward of millions of dollars from wealthy residential developers and their counterparts. It is apparent across the state the forested land is being converted to non-forest uses at a higher rate than ever before. Land has seen a dramatic turn towards privatization leaving previously protected federal land in the hands of frivolous business developers who care very little for the wellbeing of the environment. In summation, the forested lands of western Washington are in a dire situation; a situation that I will be discussing in my upcoming series of paintings, which were covered in the concept potion of this assignment.

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