Friday, March 4, 2011

Substrate Matrix as a Whole

The four Foundations classes have finally finished the substrate matrix! Combining four substrates from each student utilizing collage, paint, cultural color and found materials the wall comes together to create a unique and energetic piece of art. This piece as a whole holds something very unique within it. By integrating each separate piece into a singular element we create a wall that forms unintended connections, patterns and forms. Sparkling with a wide range of colors I find it amazing how each piece interacts with its neighbors, and when viewed from a distance morphs into a tantalizing borage of color harmonies and gradients. In addition to the color the forms in the piece as one create unique relationships and commonalties. One piece will seem to be the perfect partner to another even though they were never intended to be next to each other. The random aspect of the piece as a while plays perfectly into the processes we went through to make then and in the end comes together stellarly to create a wall mural that is composed not from one specific thing but rather many. 

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